Just read a previous article printed in the Wall Street Journal:
The Wall Street Journal
Argentine President Cristina Kirchner announced this week that her government intends to nationalize the country's private pension system. If Congress approves this property grab, $30 billion in individually held retirement accounts -- think 401(k)s -- managed by private pension funds will become government property.
Mrs. Kirchner won't have trouble making the case for expropriation to Congress, which is controlled by her fellow Peronists. When the Argentine government ran out of money in 2001, it blamed the market and increased its own role in the economy. Since then it has imposed price controls, defaulted on its debt, seized dollar bank accounts, devalued the currency, nationalized businesses and tried to set confiscatory tax rates with the aim of making society more "fair".
All of this has been deemed acceptable because of the "crisis." But it has come at a cost: Among emerging market investors Argentina is now considered one of the worst places on the planet to put your money.
That the state could seize retirement savings no doubt seems outrageous to Americans. But it is a predictable development in a country where government intervention in the financial system is the norm.
Everything you have read so far CAN ONLY happen in an in debted-Socialistic Society!
The person below is making sure of that.
BUT, Your IRA'S and 401K's ARE STILL At RISK Of Government Confiscation!
The Labor and Treasury department, along with the Obama Administration ARE MOVING FORWARD with The Nationalization-Confiscate IRA's and 401K's.
Why do they Want Your Retirement Accounts?
The-YOUR equity will be used as collateral; in an attempt to balance the Trillion Dollar U.S. Deficit.
This will be done in an effort to once again make the United States credit worthy to China and other buyers of our debt.
The Most Recent meeting held on September 14th and 15th, between the Labor and Treasury Departments outlined the Course of Action.
The agenda is called "Lifetime Income Options for Retirement Plans".
The Federal Government will Control an estimated $3.613 Trillion Dollars in IRA's and $2.350 Trillion Dollars in 401ks.
Your Equity will be placed in U.S. Treasury Bonds, that will Pay out an estimated 3% annually.
One major clause is that upon retirement, the value of the Your Retirement Account will be placed into Annuities. Once an individual Dies, the Value of the Account will Automatically become property of the Government. The Program will be Structured much like Social Security Accounts (the biggest Ponzi Scheme ever created).
The Only way Government would get away with what will be "The Largest Heist Known To Man" is by Allowing or Creating a Major Financial Market Meltdown!
An ageing person who sees his or her Retirement Account Drop 50%-60%in a matter of Days.... Is More willing to take a Conservative Approach... Even if it means "Government-Guaranteed Income".
The move toward Nationalization of IRA's & 401ks will Initially be Offered as an Option. Those who are Unwilling to accept Government Run Retirement Accounts, will be Stripped of their Current Account Tax Benefits...
You'll be Forced to Pay Taxes on your Holdings, Automatically Wiping Out One-Third of your Wealth!
This will Take place After the Stock Market Drops an Estimated 40-60%!
If the Following Indicators are Right... A Stock Market Crash is Eminent!
• Unsustainable U.S. Debt
• Real un-employment continues to Rise
• Housing market continues to Drop
• Failing Banking System (2-7 Banks Fail Weekly)
• Lower Quality of Life (1 in 8 Americans are now on Food Stamps)
A Massive Crisis is Brewing!
Remember The Government Phrase: "Never waste a good crisis"
It's True, we're Running Out of Time; making Wealth Protection, that More Crucial.
Tangible Gold & Silver have been the Best Investment vehicle during Economic Turmoil. Historically, Some Gold categories have been Exempt from past Government Confiscations.
Tangible Gold & Silver Can Be Liquidated Anywhere in the World, Giving you the Power to Hold Your Wealth in the Palm of your hand.
The government does not like this either and will move to confiscate any gold you own as well. We have voted and still they do not listen to us! What is left for us to do?
Many people think that because the government is so big and that we are living in the 21st century that rising up and revolting like we did in 1776 is old fashioned and out of date and all we need to do is vote them all out. I am telling you that this is no longer an option! No matter who we vote in, they will not listen to the will of the people. The only option we have left is to SHOW them the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. The time to rise up and take up arms is nearly at hand and needs to be done before they come in with the help of NATO to take away our second amendment rights and confiscate our guns.
You think this cannot happen? Watch the following video and then see what you think.
to watch this video in a player that will allow you to watch it in full screen.
"No man shall ever be barred the use of arms" - Thomas Jefferson