The title is not just a title. It is a very strong warning to all American people. The following video is VERY powerful and almost unbelievable if we weren't in the time that we are in. It is also the title of the video or more aptly named expose of what Aaron Russo discovered when he was trying to uncover the truth about the so called tax law and the 16th amendment. It is also the final straw and the reason I will NOT file or pay anymore federal income taxes.
The reason? The is no law on the books anywhere that states we are required to pay income tax. It has been challenged many times now by many people and those people have won the court case in every instance. The people of our country have been ran roughshod over by the Irresponsible Rejects Service (AKA the IRS) who have terrified the entire population of our great country. The IRS has stolen people's personal property and income for many years now with no law to back up their thieving actions. The only law they have is the guns they carry with them when they come to steal your property. Note to the IRS: We have guns too.
The video I am presenting is by Aaron Russo who is an award winning author and he goes into great detail about the fraud of the 16th amendment, the falsehood of an existing tax law, how even former IRS agents quit because they could not justify what they had been doing due to the fact that there DOES NOT EXIST a tax law that empowers the government to steal our money and property from us.
Aaron Russo's final film is his warning to the world about the evolution of the United States of America into a fascist state. Starting with his discovery of the unlawfulness of the income tax, Aaron covers the elite class crimes against the common culture and warns against the potential slave state future.
The video is long but VERY detailed and informative and will help you if you ever have the IRS come beating your door down. This is a must watch video that can not be ignored and will wake you up to what is happening in the US and why we need to take action now before it is too late. It may be already too late but it is never too late to fight this corrupt government one way or another and if that means taking up arms against our federal government then so be it!
"When a government betrays the people by amassing too much power and becoming tyrannical, the people have no choice but to exercise the original rights of self defense - to fight the government." - Alexander Hamilton
"The ultimate authority resides in the people, and that if the federal government got too powerful and overstepped its authority, then the people would develop plans of resistance and resort to arms." - James Madison
Wake up, be warned and may God bless you and all of America.
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