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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

They Don't Listen

I just called all of the representatives for New Mexico; the state I live in. I called them regarding the upcoming vote on the health care reform bill that Obama is trying to push through and the cap and tax bill aka cap and trade bill. I called to let them all know that I am strongly opposed to both of these and that I and many other freedom loving Americans are sick and tired of the politicians not listening to us, We the People. They have already straddled us, our children, our grandchildren and quite possibly the children of our grandchildren with a huge debt that may never get paid off. Now they want to add trillions more with this healthcare reform.

I did not hold back when I called and they knew right away that I was not happy with them. This included both the democrats and republicans both. They are more concerned about getting re-elected than doing what we the people want them to do. I told them all that they need to stop worrying about their re-election and start paying attention to what we want! I was and still am extremely angry with all of the politicians. To that point I will write the rest of this post as I would speak directly to the politicians.

You are not above us. You are in the positions you have by the good graces of the American people who put you there. We put you there and we will take you out. Every last one of you, and do it one by one if need be. You better start listening to us. We are sick and tired of all the double talk and tap dancing around questions and issues. When you are asked a question, you need to answer that question in plain straight forward English. Don't try to pawn off the answer to somebody else because you are afraid of what people will think about your true motives and beliefs. We want straight and truthful answers. When a member of the media asks you a tough question that you don't like, you need to answer it with straight plain English. Mr. Obama, you were asked a simple question of whether or not the Iranian officials are still welcome to attend any of our 4th of July parties. You went on with this long drawn out mumbo jumbo like you always do and finally ended with "it is up to the Iranians". I don't care if you like the question or not. Answer it! The idea of you allowing officials of an oppressive regime is up to them is absolutely ludicrous! Are you that imbecilic to think that we the people of this country are so stupid that we don't know that it is up to YOU to make that decision? Not the Iranians! You need to start listening to us and do what we want. Not what you want. You work for us. Not the other way around. We don't exist so you have an inexhaustible amount of money that you can spend any way you want to. You and many, many of the other politicians think you can do what ever you want and set your own agenda.

Here's a news flash for you Mr. Obama. You are there to serve us, the American people and you are not listening to us. Contrary to what you think, you did not win by a land slide and there was no mandate for you to do the things that you have done so far. You won because of the independent voters and you only won by a 1% margin. This is not a land slide. Your ratings among the independents have gone from 60% at the time of your election to 45% at the time of this writing. You better start listening to us. The same goes for all the other politicians. When tough questions are asked of you; remember that those tough questions; the ones you don't like, are questions that we the people want answered in straight plain English. You and many others in your administration try to dismiss those questions and get angry and try to shut up the person asking the question. No, you need to shut up! You need to listen and answer the questions truthfully and in plain English. Remember, you work for us. We don't work for you. I am one of the millions that pay your salaries. This makes me one of your bosses. So when one of the reporters that you don't like asks you a question that you don't like, remember this. They are asking the questions that we want asked and we want answers. If I were able to be one of the people in any of your press conferences and you tried to shut me up for a question that I wanted an answer to, I would tell you to shut up and listen to me. Barbara Boxer was more worried about her being addressed as senator and how hard she worked for that title. Awwwww, poor thing. Forget the fact that our military is trained to address people as sir and maam. Apparently that is exactly what you have done Ms. Boxer. You work for me. When I say me, I am speaking on behalf of the American people who put you and all the other politicians in office. You are there to serve US. So when any of you address me, you better address me as sir and answer my questions with yes sir and no sir.

We are sick of all the lies and deceit and double talk! A lot of this may sound like a lot of repetition. It is! Because you and all of the politicians don't seem to want to listen to us. You need to do what we want. Not what you want. The so called stimulous package and omnibus bill need to be repealed. Now! Mr. Obama, you have said yourself that we are now broke and we do not have anymore money. No kidding! You spent it all! You are printing more money to buy our own debt! I can't print money to pay my bills. What makes you think you can do it to pay for the debt you put us in?! You have taken over our banking system, two major car companies, telling the ceo's of companies how much money they can make and now trying to add more taxes through your cap and tax bill and take over one fifth of our economy by trying to take over our health care system. You can try all you want to word it any way you want, but we the people know what the ultimate goal is. A one payer system that the government controls. We don't need anymore of your controls! We want less government in our lives, not more! Does it look like I am shouting? Guess what? I am! Get out of our lives and start defending this country and our constitution. Defend it as it was written and stop trampling all over it. When I joined the Navy I took an oath to defend it. So did you. Start doing it!

I know very well what progressiveness is and what the goals are of those that adhere to that ideology. It is nothing but an insidious way of trying to go around what our founding fathers put in writing in the constitution. I will fight you and those that try to bring any of these progressive ideas to pass. This country was founded on freedom. What you are trying to do is take away all of our freedoms and grow the federal government. Little by little this has gone on for many years now. It has been done slowly so as not to raise fears and suspicion. Let me tell you, it has not gone un-noticed! Set the brakes and full steam in reverse! We are tired of it and it needs to come to a stop now.

It was once wrote that "when the people fear the government, it is tyranny. When the government fears the people, it is called liberty." I wonder, can you tell me who wrote that without asking for help? Mr. Obama and all of you other politicians, you need to start fearing the people. If you do not start doing what we want, then we will remove you from office. If things still do not change and you refuse to listen to us, then you will see us in the streets. Iran can and will happen here. The big difference here is that many, many of us own guns and if we have to use them, we will.

Get a clue Mr. Obama, Emanuel, Frank, Pelosi, McCain and all the rest of you! I will not let this country fall because of your progressive ideology. I am not alone either. I represent the feelings and sentiments of millions of other patriotic Americans. That's millions with an M Mr. Obama, not a few, millions.

Emanuel has stated that he is going to fight hard and is confident that this health care bill will pass. Who are you fighting Emanuel? It is we the people, the average everday American citizen that does not want any part of this bill and almost all of the things you guys have passed already. So when you say you are going to fight, you are fighting the will of the people of this country.

Now it is time for you to listen to us. We want our freedom back. We want our voices back. We want you to listen to US. Quit using our government agencies to go after those that disagree with you. Judges are there to uphold the constitution and make decisions about laws as to whether or not they are constitutional. They are not there to legislate from the bench. Stop apologizing for the United States. We have nothing to appologize for. A lot of these other countries need to be apologizing to us for being the asses that they are. Stop spending ours, our kids and our grandkids' money unless you ask us for permission to do so. That means a vote. If there is something that is so important that needs to be voted on in congress, then it needs to be put to a vote to we the people first. Maybe this will stop all of the ridiculous and frivolous bills that are put through. Stop the ear marks and pork barrel spending. It is OUR money, not yours. Stop trying to make us pay for those that do not want to take responsibility for themselves. This includes healthcare for children. They are not my kids. Stop the immoral and illegal seizure of of money from people, primarily fathers, that the courts have deemed need to pay more for their children of divorce or non custodial parents, than they would if the parents were still together. Kids don't get to live like kings just because their parents are no longer together. It is staggering all the BS that the federal government has piled on us. More than I can even put in this writing or I would be here for weeks writing it all!!!

Mr. Obama, you are at the top of the political chain and you are the main person that we will hold accountable but this goes for ALL politicians: You better start listening to us or we will remove you one way or another and one by one if we have to. Remember, you work for me. You don't want to listen? We will make you listen. We will not stand by and let you and the other politicians destroy this great country. The country that I put my life on line to defend.

For all the other patriotic Americans reading this post, let your voices be heard. Stand up and fight! Let the president and all the other politicians know that you will not be silenced by signing this petition to let them know. Call your representatives. If you don't know who or how to contact them, go here and choose your state from the map to get their contact information.

The list for New Mexico is:

Senator Jeff Bingaman (D- NM)
202-224-2852 Fax

Senator Tom Udall (D- NM)
202-228-3261 Fax

Representative Martin Heinrich (D - 01)
202-225-4975 Fax

Representative Harry Teague (D - 02)
202-225-9599 Fax

Representative Ben R. Lujan, Jr. (D - 03)
202-226-1528 Fax

Monday, June 8, 2009

A Liberal Mindset

What is it about liberals that when confronted with facts and questions of what is morally right, that they can not address the issues or answer questions related to the issue? Or as many politicians do, they jump into some political mumbo jumbo that is unintelligible, has no relation to the question or flat out lie or avoid the question.

I am so sick of this! How about just giving the truth, answering the damn question and speaking in plain English! I don't know how many times I have seen a left wing politician or proponent that will simply not answer the question. Or if they do get into a debate and have the guts to respond, they cannot wait their turn and will talk over the others that are in that debate. Are they so desparate and so worried that somebody will not like them that they loose control of themselves? Do they think the normal average Jo American is stupid?

For the politicians it is easy to see what motivates them. All they care about is getting elected or re-elected! Forget about what is truly right for our country. Arlen Specter is a perfect example of this. He clearly has no concern for anything but himself and represents the left wing liberals very well. He claimed that the Republican party had moved too far right for him so changed his party affilliation to the dems. The truth is that the republicans have moved too far left and lost their identity and he knew he could not win an election with a conservative challenger in the republican party. He later on acknowledged this.

I don't claim to hold to some religious or political ideology. I simply believe that what is right is right and what is wrong is wrong. You will never be able to get a liberal to go anywhere near this thinking. For them it is always some touchy feely BS that motivates them. They are more worried about not being thought bad of or criticised. They are all too happy to jump to criticise all the conservatives but don't you dare say anything bad about them!

For the liberals it is ok to murder babies even as they are about to be born. Dr. Tiller (Tiller the killer) had no problem with it and yet he is touted as a hero by the main stream (government media)! He willingly killed babies as old as 9 months and the left thinks this is ok. But, and this is a big but, God forbid that we should try to save the lives of our own people by waterboarding a few individuals to get information! I don't want to hear how it is torture and all that crap. Those that were waterboarded were not permanently injured and the use of it saved thousands of lives. I have no problem with it. If it were illegal then Bush and Cheney and Pelosi and anyone that had anything to do with it would all be in jail by now.

It is not about conforming to some high ideology. It is simpy about telling the truth and doing what is right.

In the end, God will show who is right and who is wrong and God help those that try to deny it.