What is it about liberals that when confronted with facts and questions of what is morally right, that they can not address the issues or answer questions related to the issue? Or as many politicians do, they jump into some political mumbo jumbo that is unintelligible, has no relation to the question or flat out lie or avoid the question.
I am so sick of this! How about just giving the truth, answering the damn question and speaking in plain English! I don't know how many times I have seen a left wing politician or proponent that will simply not answer the question. Or if they do get into a debate and have the guts to respond, they cannot wait their turn and will talk over the others that are in that debate. Are they so desparate and so worried that somebody will not like them that they loose control of themselves? Do they think the normal average Jo American is stupid?
For the politicians it is easy to see what motivates them. All they care about is getting elected or re-elected! Forget about what is truly right for our country. Arlen Specter is a perfect example of this. He clearly has no concern for anything but himself and represents the left wing liberals very well. He claimed that the Republican party had moved too far right for him so changed his party affilliation to the dems. The truth is that the republicans have moved too far left and lost their identity and he knew he could not win an election with a conservative challenger in the republican party. He later on acknowledged this.
I don't claim to hold to some religious or political ideology. I simply believe that what is right is right and what is wrong is wrong. You will never be able to get a liberal to go anywhere near this thinking. For them it is always some touchy feely BS that motivates them. They are more worried about not being thought bad of or criticised. They are all too happy to jump to criticise all the conservatives but don't you dare say anything bad about them!
For the liberals it is ok to murder babies even as they are about to be born. Dr. Tiller (Tiller the killer) had no problem with it and yet he is touted as a hero by the main stream (government media)! He willingly killed babies as old as 9 months and the left thinks this is ok. But, and this is a big but, God forbid that we should try to save the lives of our own people by waterboarding a few individuals to get information! I don't want to hear how it is torture and all that crap. Those that were waterboarded were not permanently injured and the use of it saved thousands of lives. I have no problem with it. If it were illegal then Bush and Cheney and Pelosi and anyone that had anything to do with it would all be in jail by now.
It is not about conforming to some high ideology. It is simpy about telling the truth and doing what is right.
In the end, God will show who is right and who is wrong and God help those that try to deny it.
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