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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Apathy & Obama's Gun Control

Why are we so apathetic? Why do we as a nation let the government do the things it does? Most everything that has happened in the last 100 years and perpetrated by our government is unconstitutional.

Many people think that because the government is so big and that we are living in the 21st century that rising up and revolting like we did in 1776 is old fashioned and out of date and all we need to do is vote them all out. I am telling you that this is no longer an option! No matter who we vote in, they will not listen to the will of the people. The only option we have left is to SHOW them the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. The time to rise up and take up arms is nearly at hand and needs to be done before they come in with the help of NATO to take away our second amendment rights and confiscate our guns.

We already have the IRS that thinks they have the right to break into people's homes at gun point and steal their property when the US Constitution expressly prohibits this. I wonder how they would react if they barged into somebody's home and found themselves under fire. When will people wake up and fight back?! The government DOES NOT have the right or authority to do many of the things they are and have been doing.

Sure there are laws on the books that the government uses as a pretense of giving them the authority to do many of the things they do but what many people don't understand is that these very same laws especially the latest laws (Patriot Act and NDAA) are all unconstitutional. Our rights are being stripped and the apethetic people in this country just sit back and think they don't mind as long as we are secure. We are NOT secure! When the government can completely disregard and twist the constitution to fit their own greedy desires, our security is gone. Our constitution absolutely guarantees every citizen of the United States due process.

All they have to do now is say they SUSPECT you and off to jail or a military detention center you go. They could SAY this about me just for writing this. One thing they count on is for us all to be like sheep and do nothing and just be happily led off to jail. No due process or proof. Just a suspicion. All I can say is that I WILL defend myself. They will not take my property or violate my constituinal rights without a fight. I do  not mean a legal fight in a court of law either. People will die and if I am one of those people then so be it. Our founding fathers fought and died to protect our rights and  liberties and I will fight just the same.

I am not alone in this either. I know many, many people personally that feel the same and we will not stand for it any longer. Republican or democrat makes no difference. Both parties have shown that they are incapable of following the constituion or lead this country properly. They all think that government is the solution to our problems. In Ronald Regan's words "Government IS the problem".

The following video has information about how Obama and those that blindly follow him are working to infringe upon our 2nd amendement  rights to keep and bear arms. There are already many so called "laws" that have infringed greatly upon our rights. What those in government hope is that people won't pay attention and by the time they do it will be too late. Our rights come from God, not the federal government. Stop the apathy and get involved and take action! All it takes is for a few good men to do  nothing for evil to succeed.

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